Booking Venues & Experiences
On-Demand Booking of Venues, Events, Tournaments etc.
- How do I Book a Venue?
- What does the green/red line signify while booking?
- Can I book for more than one hour in advance?
- Is there a limit to the number of hours I can book at a particular venue?
- Can I make multiple bookings in the same venue/day?
- Can I make bookings for multiple days in one transaction?
- My bookings are not reflecting in the app after confirmation
- Do I need to show the booking ID at the venue before using the slot?
- I need invoices/receipts for my past/upcoming bookings?
- The venue I booked is closed
- Can I move bookings from one venue to another?
- Can I make one booking on behalf of 4 people or more?
- If I don’t use the court will I get my money back?
- Can an offline booking be rescheduled/cancelled through Playo?